Wednesday 2 July 2008

Thursday 26 June 2008


The legal constraint I had for my leaflet advertisement was that I needed express written permission from the marketing department to use the Central Sussex College logo on my leaflet design because they need to approve the design and make sure that it is up to the colleges’ professional standards.

There wasn’t anything that constrained my advert towards the awards evening for regulatory or professional reasons.

The financial constraints I had been not having the budget to hire a professional designer to create modern 3D graphics to be used on the leaflet design. This would have cost an estimated £150 to £400 for one days work; we simply did not have the required budget to achieve this goal.

I lead the marketing group in achieving the choice for the final colour scheme to be used in everything for the awards event such as posters, banners, leaflets and logos. We reached the conclusion of using gold, red and black. There were discussions for just gold and silver so the group had a class vote.

We (the marketing team) held meetings every week during our lessons for up to two hours giving ideas and sorting through what we will use for posters, banners and logos and what we will discard. I think we did well in organizing and finalizing what we needed for the event.

We had four weeks to fully organize and finalize all content that marketing was in charge of, to meet the deadline each person in marketing was in charge of a certain task such as one student in charge of tickets, a different one in charge of the posters etc. We met those timescales required to meet deadlines so the finished products can be ready for use. If I were to do another advert or similar task to this one I would stress strict deadlines for everyone in the group involved to ensure everything is ready in advance, not last minute.

My poster and ticket designs that were nominated for the final choice all gathered positive verbal feedback from other students, for great use of the correct colour scheme that was chosen (red, gold & black) and clear design. I believe my contributions were very professional and would work well in a professional environment, because for example in a professional environment you would be using high-end professional editing software such as Photoshop which is what was used when I designed the poster and tickets.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

TASK 1: Research

TASK #1: Research For this task I want you to research into different events that are happening locally, nationally and internationally. Look for and note the following: the look and concept of the advertising? Who the audience is? What details are given? What type of event it is i.e. 1 day etc. Create links to the sites that you have looked at. Remember to get into the habit of adding posts about what you do in each lesson. Your first post could be analyzing some of the event advertising and answering the points above.

The event I will be researching is the OSCARS. The first aspect that I will be looking at is the concept of the advertising. The OSCARS logo uses a gold colour which signifies importance and decadence and the font is used in a classic and elegant manor creating a very aesthetically pleasing logo with the ideal connotations attached to its elements.

Logo used in advertising and used on the event:

The audience of the OSCARS are people from all ages that have interest in the Academy Award’s opinion of which films deserve critical acclaim. Due to the rise in internet access in the homes of the public, %20 of viewers are accessing websites and live feeds instead of watching the OSCARS on television.

The Oscars is a one day only event, the actual ceremony lasting for up four hours. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is among the oldest, most prominent, most prestigious, and most watched film award ceremonies in the world. Before the ceremony takes places there is the famous red carpet event before the ceremony takes place were all the stars of the films and celebrities display what designer clothing their wearing and generating hype for the cermony.

The second event I will be researching is the BAFTA. The first aspect that I will be looking at is the concept of the advertising. The BAFTA logo uses a simple white text with a simple font, that makes the logo jump out because of the purple background, the gold face in the background creates the elusion of glamour, and almost magic.

Logo used in advertising and used on the event:

The audience of the OSCARS are people who have interest in Film, Televsion and Video Games’ critical acclaim. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) is a British charity that hosts annual awards shows for film, television, television craft, video games and forms of animation. They are often cited as the British equivalent to the Oscars, and the British Academy Film Awards are frequently known as the British Academy Awards.